Ordering controlled substances
- Controlled substances must only be ordered by the registrant or their authorized agents who have been assigned power-of-attorney.
- Schedule I & II controlled substances must be ordered on a DEA FORM 222
- The 222 form must be complete with no errors or it may be rejected by the supplier
- The 222 form must be signed by the registrant or their attorney-in-fact
- Completing the 222 form
- Part 1
- Enter only one item on each line and include the number of packages, the size of the package, and the name of the item.
- After entering all items, in the last row, enter the last line completed (must be 20 or less).
- Sign and date the form.
- Part 2
- Enter the supplier’s DEA number
- Enter the supplier’s name and address.
- Submitting the 222 form
- Make a copy of the completed 222 form.
- Mail the original copy of the 222 form with a purchase order to the supplier.
- Part 1
Receiving controlled substances
- Reconcile items received with the purchase order and 222 form, checking each item for:
- Name of drug
- Concentration/size/volume
- Quantity
- Immediately notify supplier of any discrepancies with the 222 form.
- Complete Part 5 of the 222 form for each item ordered/received.
- Number received
- Date received
- File 222 form, packing slips and invoices with controlled substance records.